Sector Programme
Extractives and Development
Head of project GIZ
Bild Tim Schlösser

Tim Schlösser

Telefon: +49 228 4460-1250 E-Mail: T (External link)im Schlösser (External link)

Tim Schlösser is the head of the sector program “Extractives and Development” at GIZ. He ensures the smooth running of the processes and ensures the technical quality of the results. Together with the team, he supports the BMZ in further developing and anchoring German DC approaches in the raw materials sector against the backdrop of new requirements of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Tim Schlösser is a regional scientist and political scientist and has been involved in development cooperation since 2010. In the past, he was responsible for the design and implementation of capacity development measures at the Academy for International Cooperation (AIZ), consultant in the sector program Raw Materials and Development and Negotiation Support Specialist at the CONNEX Support Unit.


Rosalie Seppelt

Phone: +49 152 - 9002 1114 E-Mail: Rosalie Seppelt (External link)

Rosalie works in the field of responsible raw material supply chains. She is mainly responsible for the area of human rights in the extractive sector, especially children's rights and FPIC. She also deals with European and international regulatory frameworks on raw material supply chains and monitors current legislative processes. Additionally, she is responsible for the topic of digitalisation in the extractive sector and works to the topic of China. Rosalie is a lawyer and holds a Master of Laws (LL.M., University of Cape Town) in the field of international human rights standards and international humanitarian law.


Sophie Frossard

Phone: +49 228 4460-4903 E-Mail: Sophie Frossard (External link)

Sophie is in charge to advise the BMZ on the nexus between the extractive sector and climate as well as the environment. She aims to promote climate-sensitive and environmentally responsible mining as part of the energy and mobility transition. Accordingly, she is supporting the World Bank’s “Climate-Smart Mining” Initiative. Moreover, she examines how to minimize the impact of mining on forests and biodiversity.

Previously, Sophie worked in the GIZ Global Programme Combating Illicit Financial Flows and in the Sector Programme Anti-Corruption and Integrity on the topic of environmental crime focusing on illegal mining and trafficking in precious metals. Sophie holds a master’s degree in political science with a focus on sustainable development and governance.

Portaitfoto Benjamin Halstenberg

Benjamin Halstenberg

Phone: + 49 228 44603198 E-Mail: Benjamin Halstenberg (External link)

Benjamin's thematic areas include good governance, illicit financial flows and anti-corruption in the extractive sector. Among other things, he assists the support of the EITI through the BMZ. In addition, Benjamin supports the topics ASM and certification mechanisms, corporate due diligence in mineral supply chains and the cross-cutting issue of gender equality. Before, Benjamin worked for BGR on the implementation of a regional certification mechanism in Uganda as part of the ICGLR project on transparency and control in mineral supply chains and on the topic of formalisation in ASM. Benjamin is a geoscientist with a Master's degree in Energy and Mineral Resources and a Bachelor's degree in Georesource Management from RWTH Aachen University.


Mayely Müller

Phone: +49 228 4460-1487 E-Mail: M (External link)ayely Müller (External link)

Mayely’s main focus is on responsible mineral supply chains and the cross-cutting issue of gender equality in the extractive sector. This encompasses the work on feminist development policy and the Secretariat lead of the multi-stakeholder initiative Women's Rights and Mining (WRM). She also accompanies Germany's membership through BMZ in the European Partnership for Responsible Minerals (EPRM). Moreover, she is responsible for the internal and external communication. Mayely has a Master in Peace and Conflict Studies with a focus on gender as well as a Bachelor in Ethnology and Public Law.


Linda Weber

Phone: +49 228 4460-4862 E-Mail: Linda Weber (External link)

Linda works primarily on climate and environmental issues. She also provides support in the area of gender equality in the extractive sector. She holds a Master's degree in Physical Geography with a focus on resource management and extractives in sub-Saharan Africa.

Pictuere Jan Bollmann

Jan Bollmann

Phone: +49 228 4460-1829 E-Mail: Jan Bollmann (External link)

Jan's primary focus is on EITI and public finance. He has a background in political science with a special emphasis on governance issues and development policy, as well as peace and conflict studies.

Financial Manager

Janet Lechner

Phone: +49 30 7264-211 E-Mail: Janet Lechner (External link)

Janet is responsible for financially relevant topics in project management. Her tasks include supporting the team in commercial, administrative and financial issues. In addition, Janet deals with the preparation and management of contracts and financial management.

Office manager

Christina Domingos

Phone: +49 228 4460-4596 E-Mail: Christina Domingos (External link)

Christina is responsible for office management and organizational issues in the team. She is also the team's sustainability officer. Before joining the sector program, Christina lived and worked in Kinshasa for six years.