Sector Programme
Extractives and Development
Background Visual High-Level Forum

27.05.2023 BMZ High-Level Forum on Mineral Supply Chains – Responsible Mining for the Just Transition

The BMZ is organising a High-Level Forum on “Mineral Supply Chains – Responsible Mining for the Just Transition” on Thursday, 1 June 2023 at the BMZ in Berlin. The event addresses the geopolitical, social, environmental and governance dimensions of mineral supply chains and highlights the commitment of German Development Cooperation to responsible mining worldwide.

BMZ High-Level Forum "Mineral Supply Chains - Responsible Mining for the Just Transition"

BMZ High-Level Forum "Mineral Supply Chains - Responsible Mining for the Just Transition"

Development cooperation plays a pivotal role in supporting partner countries in aligning their local development goals with the requirements for responsible mineral supply chains. The BMZ High-Level Forum will bring together policymakers and representatives from civil society, academia and the private sector from around the world to discuss the challenges and opportunities in shaping responsible and resilient mineral supply chains. The forum will be a hybrid event with 100-150 participants on-site.

Find out more on the website of the BMZ High-Level Forum (External link).

The agenda of the forum will include:

  • A keynote address by Federal Minister Svenja Schulze and Ambassador João Samuel Caholo, Executive Secretary of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR).
  • A roundtable with Federal Minister Schulze and a high-level representative from a BMZ partner country to discuss the leverages of development cooperation to promote responsible mineral supply chains.
  • A panel discussion on the geopolitical dimensions of mineral supply chains, co-organised with the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) (External link). The session will focus on some of the key geopolitical factors affecting supply chains of critical minerals needed for the energy transition, different perspectives and specific needs of partner countries and regions. Options for development cooperation and the private sector will be discussed.
  • A panel discussion on the environmental dimension of mineral supply chains, co-organised with the Climate Smart Mining Facility of the Worldbank (External link). The discussion will focus on the dual challenge of securing supply of energy transition minerals and minimising the environmental footprint of the industry. The panel will centre around the key question on how to address the challenge of climate change from a supply chain perspective.
  • A panel discussion on the social dimension of mineral supply chains, co-organised with Human Rights Watch (External link). The panel will discuss how to address human rights challenges in producing countries to ensure that human rights are protected and respected. With a view to due diligence legislation, the discussion will centre around both the role of governments and the role of companies in ensuring human rights.
  • A panel discussion on the governance dimension of mineral supply chains, co-organised with the Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) (External link). The session seeks to unpack the key role of governance in building responsible mineral supply chains. It will showcase challenges of accountability, corruption and transparency faced both by governments and companies along mineral supply chains, emphasising how these challenges impact social and environmental issues.
  • A panel discussion on pathways to responsible mining and mineral supply chains, co-organised with the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals and Metals for Sustainable Development (IGF) (External link). The session will focus on approaches and best practices to address environmental, social and governance (ESG) challenges in mineral supply chains. It will discuss possible pathways to leveraging opportunities for more inclusive partnerships and equitable dialogues among different stakeholders.

Side Event “Implementing Responsible Mining for the Just Transition”

Side Event "Implementing Responsible Mining for the Just Transition"

Side Event "Implementing Responsible Mining for the Just Transition"

In the run-up to the High-Level Forum, the Sector Programme “Extractives and Development”, which is jointly implemented by the BGR and GIZ, is organising the working-level side event “Implementing Responsible Mining for the Just Transition” on Wednesday, 31 May 2023 at GIZ’s Berlin Representation and online. The event will bring together policymakers, practitioners, and academics to share and discuss experiences on project activities, research, and innovative instruments that contribute to responsible mineral supply chains. The event will complement the BMZ High-Level Forum by providing space for a more in-depth discussion. Different sessions of the side event will explore fields of action towards responsible mining for the just transition. From a practical perspective, the event will discuss topics like ESG-performance and assessment along supply chains, collaborative action and partnerships, benefit sharing in the mining sector as well as digitalisation and gender equality as cross-cutting themes in the mining sector.

Find out more on the website of the side event (External link).

For more information, please contact (External link).