Artisanal Gold Mining
Copyright© GIZ/Rolando Suaña
Responsible Supply Chains European Partnership for Responsible Minerals (EPRM)
The EPRM was founded as a development policy measure to support the EU Regulation on Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. Since January 2021, the import of tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold (3TG) is regulated for the member states of the European Union. Importers of these minerals must comply with human rights due diligence obligations in their supply chains and prove that these supply chains do not contribute to conflict financing. However, to have meaningful impact in the producing countries, the EU regulation must be accompanied by specific support measures on the ground. Otherwise, there is the risk that producing countries will be excluded from international trade or that alternative business relationships will be built with customers who do not respect the required standards.
From mining, smelting, and refining to the processing industry - the EPRM brings together different stakeholders along the entire supply chain and implements pilot projects to promote responsible mineral sourcing. These projects (External link) cover a large variety of topics and needs, from helping women to access municipal loans in DR Congo to providing information on the origin of the minerals used by processing companies. Moreover, the EPRM promotes networking and knowledge transfer between the stakeholders in the supply chains of the respective mineral.
Sector Programme Commitment
The establishment of responsible supply chains and respect for human rights are a priority of the German Development Cooperation. The Sector Programme “Extractives and Development” has supported the EPRM on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) since the initiative was launched at the end of 2016. Since January 2020, Germany, represented by the BMZ, is a member of the EPRM and thus assumes a pioneering role throughout Europe in implementing human rights standards in the extractives sector. In the second half of 2020 Germany held the rotating chair of the EPRM.
The BMZ and the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) (External link) jointly organized the digital conference “The EU Conflict Minerals Regulation: Perspectives from Producer Countries”. During this conferece, the participants discussed issues pertaining to the regulation and compiled recommendations for its successful implementation.